Meet your coach

Danilo Tomaselli is your guide to the martial arts world. He is a real daredevil when it comes to sports – with a history as a professional motocross driver, karate black belt holder, and leading his team to any crazy sports challenge. Also, you might have seen him fighting in the Muay Thai K1 ring.

Danilo always keeps up a good and energetic spirit and warmly welcomes everyone to the training sessions. He has long experience in coaching, which makes the sessions include exactly the right amount of challenge and fun, and always makes sure the session is adjusted to match the level of the trainers’ skills.

Contact Danilo for any questions: tel. +39 391 370 3951

The art of Muay Thai

Learning Muay Thai and self-defense techniques can be beneficial in several ways, particularly in terms of mental health, physical health, and cross-motoric skills development.

Regular training boosts self-confidence, relieves stress, improves discipline and focus. Muay Thai is a full-body workout that helps to develop strength,
flexibility, and endurance, contributing to overall physical fitness.

Muay Thai involves various techniques and movements, keeping the
training sessions interesting and engaging. The classes include team work and offer a great opportunity to create new friendships.

Muay Thai will change your life!